Working Time Tracker

4.0 ( 6180 ratings )
Developer: Paolo Sotgiu
0.99 USD


iOS 4.2 and Higher

Let your iPhone automatically track the time you spend at your office. The tracking system takes benefit of the GPS location system of the iphone to understand when you arrive to the office and when its time to leave.

How to use:
1. Download the app and wait till you arrive at your office.
2. Once there, activate the GPS tracking feature and go to the preferences page.
3. Register your current location as a working location (you can store more than one location for the same place, making the tracking more reliable).
4. Setup the amount of hours you plan to work (by default it is 8 hours).
5. If you leave the office before this amount of time expires, the timer will automatically enter in break mode (useful for lunch breaks)
6. When the timer reaches the planned working hours value, a ringtone will play and you will know that you can leave the office.
7. After the planned working time is passed, leaving the office will automatically stop the timer, and the working time info will be available in the history page.
8. After the initial setup you wont need to do anything else but keeping the app alive in background to keep track of your working time.

The app makes use of the GPS services of the iPhone. To avoid excessive power usage it is advised to use the App while keeping the iPhone connected to a power source.

You can also deactivate the GPS tracking during the work day and reactivate it when you are close to the leaving time.

The application does all the operation while working in background.

--- ITALIANO ----

Lapplicazione usa il GPS delliphone per capire se vi trovate o meno sul posto di lavoro. In base alla posizione "timbra" automaticamente il cartellino.

Una volta terminato il vostro orario di lavoro il "timer" suona e vi avvisa che è ora di staccare.

Lapp può essere tenuta in background.
Per evitare il consume eccessivo della batteria si consiglia di tenere il cellulare collegato allalimentazione quando siete in ufficio, o in alternativa di disabilitare la funzionalità di tracking quando siete lontani dalle pause o dal momento delluscita.

Il sistema salva tutta la storie dei vostri ingressi, uscite, permessi e minuti di straordinario.